Page 19 - Internationalist Magazine 2014 69
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What better time to acknowledge Brazilian talent than during the FIFA World Cup 

in Rio? The Internationalist is honoring 50 marketing leaders in Brazil who are 

setting new standards for their own huge market and for the world. No doubt, 

these individuals will inspire the industry at large to recognize Brazil’s marketing 

signiicance, its easy embrace of our social/digital world, and its unique set of 

advertising and media solutions—all worthy of world class initiative.

THE BRAZIL 50 are among those leaders who will These individuals represent some of Brazil’s most 
enable Brand Brazil to take its image and capabilities engaging brands. Some of THE BRAZIL 50 hail

as a nation beyond soccer and samba as it moves from multinational organizations with a long history 

forward to becoming the world’s 5th largest economy. of global brands; others are talented locals working

Their activities contribute to showcasing Brazil as a for the country’s biggest marketers; some have Latin 

center of excellence—particularly its extraordinary American responsibilities, but make their center of 
reputation for advertising and marketing innovation.
inluence Sao Paulo. All share a passion for innovative 

and responsible brand-building. Without a devotion to 

Brazil is on the mind of every marketing executive excellence and desire to generate strong results, their 

today. The country enjoys an international reputation brands would not have built long-term success in this 

for producing some of the world’s most creative extraordinary country.
advertising, and largely continues with a full-service 

agency structure. Ad Executives also achieve celebrity Earlier this year, The Internationalist named Fernando 

status in Brazil, while the Brazilian public enjoys and Chacon, Chief Marketing Oficer of Banco Itaú as one 

admires advertising, especially when it is entertaining. of our Internationalists of the Year. Itaú’s signature 

If past World Cups can serve as examples, Rio’s 2014 World Cup commercial, produced by acclaimed 

sporting event will boost the country’s advertising Brazilian agency, Africa, has only served to reinforce 
industry by at least 5%. In fact, 2014 investments
that global honor which marked the irst Brazilian 

in media are estimated at some R$ 6.51 billion by brand acknowledged by The Internationalist on a global 

Ernst & Young. The Olympics in 2016 will also boost platform. Few marketers in Brazil carry the CMO title; 

most top talent serves as Diretor de Marketing. 17

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